Book Us
Get in touch today and book us for your event“Lovely variety of songs chosen which appealed to many.”
The choir is available to perform at fund raising functions and charity events. Please note however, that private functions do not include funerals as these by definition are relatively short notice and we would not be able to guarantee our availability.
We also regret that we do not normally include weddings as we have found in the past that the size of the church restricts the size of the choir and selecting members to attend is not always practical.
We do make a small charge to cover our costs except for charitable organisations. However we no longer charge charitable organisations as we believe that all of the funds raised should be channelled into the charity. We do of course reserve the right to change this policy should we find that in the future the choir is incurring too many associated costs.
Contact us through our secretary Richard Parkin at:
Home 01609 776637
Order Our Popular Music CD
Using the fantastic natural acoustics of Sharow Church a CD was recorded to help us celebrate our 50th year, entitled ’50 Golden Years’ and containing 14 tracks. This recording is available to purchase for…. £8.00. If you’re interested in obtaining a copy please contact our secretary, Richard Parkin via:
Home 01609 776637

Frequently Asked Event Questions
Do you perform at weddings?
We do not perform at weddings as these can be at a time of day when not enough singers are available to perform, also many venues are too small to accommodate the number of singers to give an evenly balanced choir.
How long would a performance last?
A performance lasts around two and a half hours, two halves of three quarters of an hour with a fifteen minute interval.
Will my fee go to charity?
We take no part in ticket sales, this is left entirely up to the organisation hosting the concert.. The fee that you pay goes towards the organisation that the concert is being held for.
How much would it cost for my event?
We do not charge for events, however should you feel that you have had a successful concert we are happy to receive a small donation to cover our costs of performing.
How many choristers would attend my event?
At present our choir is forty six strong. Hopefully this will increase and not all are available on a particular night so it can vary, but generally it is from thirty two upwards.